Yarn Love

Yarn is something special to me. I know it sounds weird, but it is. It has always been there for me when I’ve had a rough day, helped me to create beauty when the world felt it’s ugliest. It has helped me find a way to let out my creativity is beautiful ways that bring people joy. It is comforting, like an old friend.

When I began hand dying yarn, it felt so natural, so fulfilling, and I have come to love creating the yarn colors just as much as I love creating things with the yarn.

The way the colors blend and take on a life of their own, it’s almost as if the yarn is speaking to us through color.

I hope to be able to create more. To bring more yarn to life and bring more creativity to those wishing to express themselves.

Check out my beautiful creations on my Etsy page. https://www.etsy.com/shop/DyedRogueYarns They are waiting for your spark of imagination.

Published by S Dunkel

I am 35 years old. I love to read, write, crochet and garden. I am a mother to two wonderful kids and have a loving and supportive husband who all make my world exciting.

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